White Paper: How to Select an Open Source Enterprise Web CMS

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You've got a lot at stake when selecting a new platform and once in bed with a product you will probably stick with it for 3 to 5 years.

This white paper covers:

  1. Selection Criteria — dig into the details of 10 distinct selection criteria and what each one means to your business.
  2. Integrated DAM and Search — managing content includes digital assets and the findability of all assets. Find out how integrated DAM and Integrated Search separate one product option from another.
  3. The Open Source Factor — not all open source licenses are the same. Educate yourself on the differences between license types and the related risks and/or freedoms that each license implicates for your business. 

Get your project on the right track with this valuable white paper.

Understand the 10 criteria that make a difference.


This content is sponsored by AOE Media.